Montreal Massacre

This is a horrible incident in Canadian History, and our country’s stories are important. Fortunately, this story has since had positive impacts on Canadians.

You will read/see information that is upsetting/disturbing.

I expect you to take care by talking with your parents and teachers while going through this. If it becomes too difficult to deal with, you should switch topics.


Canadian Encyclopedia is factual, reliable and (in my opinion) tries to be bias free as much as possible.

This article called Polytechnique Tragedy gives an introduction to the terrible event. There are great articles/links at the bottom of the page. Here is one about women who were there or directly affected by this – very emotional read: Polytechnique massacre: Lives forever changed

This article was published in Macleans magazine on Dec. 6, 1999, 10 years after the shooting. It shows how the horror didn’t stop and it shows how it positively affected an 11 year old.

I recommend NOT watching video about this. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Reading about it is much more gentle to you — only compared to watching it. It’s pretty much all terrible (in my opinion.)




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